The Joint Inns’ Education and Qualification Rules set out the requirements for the Inns in respect of educational and qualification matters and relate directly to, and should be read in conjunction with the following documents. The purpose of these supplementary rules is to give effect to the rules set out in the documents below. Rules contained in those documents are not repeated in the Inns’ rules.
The law requires trustees of a pension scheme with more than 100 members to prepare a “Statement of Investment Principles (“SIP”) and ensure it is reviewed at least every three years and without delay after any significant change in investment policy. Written advice should be taken when preparing and reviewing the SIP.
The purpose of a SIP is to set out the Scheme’s investment strategy, including the investment objectives and investment policies adopted.
This section of the Inn's website is for those looking to enter into the Barrister profession, be they a law undergraduate, postgraduate, graduate in a different discipline or school student.
Here you will find information on the Inn's insight events, its Access to the Bar scheme, and a directory of schemes and projects provided by other organisations that the Inn recommends for those looking to gain experience.
The following costs will apply to both students and transferring lawyers;
Admission fee
Call fee
See also: Admission and Call fees payment policy
These fees are reviewed annually and changes to the fee apply from January each year.
Unless stated otherwise on the event page, booking will usually close at 09:00, THREE working days before the event or when tickets sell out, whichever is earlier.
Investigating the historic role of Steward of the Inn, whose primary duties were the provision of commons and the collection of debts from members for commons – a role that sometimes made him unpopular with the membership.
A MTYBA Black Lives Matter Conversation
Exploring the archival legacies and sketching the stories of four early and pioneering Black members of the Middle Temple, who came from diverse backgrounds and whose paths led them to remarkable achievements.
This session was run by MTYBA and MTSA with testimonies from prominent black members of the Bar. Recorded Monday 19 October 2020.