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Masters of the Bench

The Masters of the Bench, or Benchers, are responsible for the governance of the Inn.  Masters are elected by their peers from the Inn’s members who have been Called to the Bar.  The majority of the Inn’s Benchers are King's Counsel or senior members of the judiciary. 

Middle Temple currently has 510 Ordinary Benchers and 107 Senior (retired) Benchers. The Inn also elects Honorary Masters of the Bench, distinguished individuals from other walks of life who have excelled in their respective professions. Currently the Inn has 172 Honorary Benchers.  The Inn has one Royal Bencher, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales.

Bench Seniority is determined by the date of one’s Bench Call; and at that particular Bench Call, by the date of Call to the Bar for members of the Inn, and at the Treasurer's discretion for Honorary Benchers.

To search for Benchers or for more details on individual Benchers, click on the Bench directory link on the left hand side of the page.  For ease of reference, some quick links to different groups of Benchers within Middle Temple are below:

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