Shakespeare Cup Auditions

Auditions are now open for this year’s Shakespeare Cup, which will take place in Hall on Wednesday 14 May 2025. The Cup is an annual competition between Middle and Inner Temple, in which each Inn performs one hour of Shakespeare in front of a panel of esteemed judges.
Auditions will be held on Tuesday 4 and Thursday 6 March 2025, in Middle Temple. In-person auditions are preferred, but we will happily arrange a remote audition for anyone who is away or temporarily unavailable. For practical reasons, we require auditionees to live or work in London. Alongside performers, we seek anyone who can design and build a set.
To register for an audition, email the subject ‘Audition’ to, briefly stating whether you are a student, member, or Bencher and your year of Call, if applicable. Auditions will be informal and will involve performing a set bit of Shakespeare. There is no requirement to memorise lines. Please also let us know whether you are available on the dates above; if not, we will endeavour to find an alternative. Feel free to ask for more information about the event if required, and we will be happy to chat.
Master Louise McCullough
Deka Chambers
Thomas Mallon
Henderson Chambers