International Women’s Day 2025: Accelerate Action

8 March marks International Women's Day. It is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and is a chance to raise awareness. This year's theme is #AccelerateAction. At the current rate of progress, it will take 133 years to reach full gender parity in 2158.
IWD is held annually on 8 March and has taken place for well over a century, with the first being held in 1911. Events, campaigns, and initiatives are organised throughout the month to both educate and celebrate.
Middle Temple is supporting International Women’s Day in a range of ways and there are various events that you can get involved in:
On 5 March, there is an International Women’s Day lecture on the topic of ‘Unmasking Imposter Syndrome: Women, Confidence & Success in Law’.
On 8 March, MTYBA and MTSA are collaborating to host the annual International Women’s Day brunch. A short introductory speech will be given by Dr Charlotte Proudman. The event is an opportunity to celebrate women who are excelling at the Bar and the hope is that the event will inspire many promising and aspiring female barristers.
On 11 March, there is a joint event between the Inns of Court Alliance for Women and King’s Counsel Appointments on ‘Applying for Silk’ at Gray’s Inn. This will involve a panel discussion looking at the process of applying for silk. The event will be followed by a reception and networking. The focus will be on issues which may face women applicants in particular, but men are most welcome to attend. Chaired by Amanda Pinto KC, there will be discussions from panellists Monisha Shah, Dame Anne Rafferty, Nneka Akudolu KC, Sonia Nolten KC, and Eleanor Temple KC.