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Mock Pupillage Interview Scheme


The Inn offers those with imminent Pupillage Interviews the opportunity to practice their interview technique in front of barristers.  

Members of the Inn who have secured a pupillage interview may apply to the Inn using the online form and will then be matched with a Barrister with the appropriate specialisation from a different chambers. 

They may then arrange between themselves a means by which to conduct the interview. It is up to the barrister and student to decide whether to meet in person or online. Rooms are available to book in the Rutledge Suite, 3rd floor of the library, subject to availability - details HERE.

To apply

Apply for a mock pupillage interview

Please note;

  • Members are limited to one mock interview per academic year. 
  • You must have a pupillage interview lined up in order to apply for a mock interview. 
  • A mock interview via this scheme will provide general interview practice, it isn’t feasible for our mock interviews to include any exercises. 



Please note that due to the high volume of requests we cannot guarantee to arrange a mock interview for every applicant. To facilitate this scheme, we depend on our barrister members who generously give up spare time in their busy schedules. It can be difficult to find an available barrister in the relevant area of law who is not at a chambers you have applied to. Please ensure that you give us as much notice as possible and be prepared to be flexible as to the mock interview time and location. 


If you are a barrister and interested in volunteering to conduct a Mock interview please email being sure to include your current chambers, areas of practice, along with any other notes on availability.

MTYBA Pre-Pupillage Events

MTYBA (Middle Temple Young Barrister's Association) also run several pre-pupillage events for members who have already been Called to the Bar. You can find out more about upcoming MTYBA pupillage workshops at their website: